Powder Room Design

Powder Room Design

It has been about 10 months since the bubby and I bought our first house, but somehow we still feel like renters … renters who pay for every little thing, shovel all the snow, do all the yard work, and stay up nights worrying about frozen downspouts.

We haven’t yet gotten to the really fun part of owning our own home;  doing whatever we want with it!

So it’s time we start decorating our house and making it feel more like home. Once Easter is over and the family visitors are back on their way, we are going to renovate the smallest possible space; the powder room.  I think it’s a good idea to test our DIY skills on only a few cubic feet at a time. See how it goes.

Step One has been to spend crazy amounts of time on the internet looking for inspiration.

From this I have learnt that I like light greys, geometric prints, and the contrast between modern finishes and natural wood.

Step Two has been to spend even more time on the internet looking for products that match my style and that I can actually get my hands on (this is a challenge because apparently the USA thinks Canada is an inaccessible arctic country and doesn’t like to ship here).

Here is my plan for the Powder Rooms project … even if I have to drive to the damn border and pick most of it up myself!

Collage Main Pices smallThe image-map above is a little off, but all the links are there, somewhere. Scroll over for more information on each piece.

The light fixture is what sets the whole thing off for me. It’s from Shades of Light and is the piece it will be hard for me to get, since there is not shipping here to Canada. But I HAVE to have it. I love drama of it and the Edison bulb is to die for.

At first we were going to leave the floors as tiles over-lap with the hall. This is another challenge as it will mean re-tiling outside the powder room as well. I think the classic and clean look will be well worth it.

The budget for this Reno is $1700, which is high for a 12 square-foot room (think $142/square foot, yikes!). But this is a total gut job (new toilet, paint, floor, et cetera) and we think it’s worth putting higher-end quality products in a so often used space.

You may also like: Powder Room Procurement
Powder Room Demolition
Powder Room Sneak-Peak



Towel ring






Paper Holder

