
This thing got me WAY excited when I saw it in the store today.


Do you know what it is? It is not a vase, or a pretty sculpture … although it fits in disturbingly well on my mantel.


I’ll give you a hint. I bought when ordering our sink for the powder room. Still no idea? How about now:


It’s a toilet brush! And when I figured that out in the store I went “yeeeee!!” and embarrassed my boyfriend.  I think I even hopped up and down a bit. A toilet brush disguised as something pretty! I couldn’t even imagine such a thing.


But it does exist and is for sale at Bath Depot for $20. The base material is ceramic and the plastic handle is well-made and screws together snugly. It even comes with an extra brush for when the first one gets inevitable nasty.

with boxThe old toilet brush is SÄVERN from Ikea, certainly not the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen sitting next to a toilet, and it will find a home in one of the other bathrooms, but Maurice will work so much better in the new powder room. We are staying away from all stainless steel/chrome/shiny metal; from the light fixture down to the door knobs, everything is cast iron black, dark grey, or white.

My one worry is that even sitting primly next to the throne people may not understand what it is. They could think “Wow, Eve is so posh, she has sculptures in her bathroom” and if they commented on it I would graciously chuckle and say, “Oh darling, thank you, but it’s nothing of the sort. Here, let me show you …” and I would show them, and their jaw would drop, and I would forever be revered as the woman who masterly combined beauty with practicality in one ultrachic powder room experience!!  Or maybe I just got way too excited over this toilet brush.


Toilet brushWatch out trash can and tissue box holder, you better step up your game!